Senior Anika Bagal poses in front of a bamboo wall.

Meet student body president Anika Bagal

Senior Anika Bagal, this year’s student body president, has high hopes for LHS and is prepared to lead students through the school year. Bagal talks about what she’s looking forward to accomplishing this school year.

Photo of senior Anika Bagal on a lake
Bagal likes spending time outside and going on hikes.

“I’m looking forward to increasing school spirit and creating a unified community at LHS and I’m looking forward to planning sports events, fundraisers, and pep rallies.”

Bagal explains what she enjoys most about being the student body president.

“I enjoy getting to hear all the different perspectives from lots of different people in all of the different grades. I enjoy getting to make positive change in our school and our school community. I also like to plan pep rallies and dances and spirit weeks.”

Besides being the student body president, Bagal is involved in many activities both inside and outside of LHS. Bagal is an incredible athlete, being a part of the cross country team and participating in both club and school soccer. She is also a part of the Olympic Development Program soccer team.

Senior Anika Bagal posing in front of a door
Bagal enjoys traveling, especially to visit her family in India.

Bagal also started the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion club at LHS last year, which aims to promote inclusivity and raise awareness about the importance of equality. She owns a business as well. She explains,

“I have a summer camp company called Backyard Camps, I run camps for elementary school aged kids in the summer.”

Some of Bagal’s interests include hanging out with her friends and family, as well as spending time outside.

Bagal shares some fun facts about herself.

“I am a Canadian citizen and also a lot of my family lives in India so I get to travel to India to see my family. I used to play tennis, I love to ski, and I have a really cute dog named Kemba.” 

Bagal is optimistic about this year and is excited to lead LHS. Something that she wants all students of LHS to know is that,

“Everyone is amazing and everyone can do great things.”