Breaking: LHS adopts new bell schedule for remainder of year

On February 27th, Principal Benton sent an email to LHS families detailing a change in our bell schedule for the remainder of the school year.

All Colorado schools must abide by the Colorado Department of Education’s rules regarding the number of instructional minutes students receive in a school year. It is required that all students receive a minimum of 1,080 hours of instruction in front of a teacher per school year. 

The LPS school district has had two days off for weather-related incidents. There has also been a delayed start due to weather conditions in November. But the school also received another cancellation in September because of a power outage. It is likely that we will receive further delays or cancellations as we enter the snowiest part of the school year next month. 

Due to the amount of time we’ve been out of school this year, starting March 6 and continuing to the end of the school year, we will be starting school at 8:26 most mornings and at 9:26 on Wednesdays. This change will add our missing minutes back into our school year so we abide by the regulations set by the Colorado Department of Education.

The rest of the new schedule can be found here. Ms. Benton has said that there will be a pep assembly schedule sent out soon. 

“These changes represent the best option to recapture instructional time with the least impact to families, students, and staff,” said Principal Benton in her email sent to families. 

Be prepared to begin our new bell schedule on Monday, March 6 where school will start four minutes earlier and continue that way for the remainder of the year.