Mickey Wentz Scholarship

In honor of Mr. Wentz, a couple of teachers and some PTO members and some students came together to make the Mickey Wentz Scholarship. All seniors can apply for this scholarship, and it is due by May 1st. 

“We know how much he cared about students finding success with whatever they wanted to do after high school. So, we created a scholarship for people who are about to graduate, and they get to use it for either a two year or a four year university.” Says Ms. Ockner, one of the teachers helping make this scholarship happen.

“The idea behind this is we didn’t want it to necessarily go to like, you know, the most amazing math student you’ve ever seen in the world because, of course he cared about those students, but he like really championed students that worked really hard to earn their grades and to progress in math.” continues Ockner

So, it doesn’t matter if you feel you’re not the strongest student, or even if you are, everyone should apply for the scholarship. 

“We wanted to honor Mickey Wentz and his memory and make it so that we did something as a building to kind of recognize his impact.” Ms. Ockner says

To apply for the scholarship go pick up an application at post-grad or in your seminar’s google classroom, remember the deadline is May 1st.