EPIC Campus celebrates the start of its first school year

Saturday morning the community of LPS gathered together at EPIC Campus to celebrate the opening of this academic center. Students from Littleton, Heritage, and Arapahoe attended, along with teachers from EPIC and schools in the LPS district. Board members, a state representative, and a state senator also made an appearance during the ribbon cutting ceremony. 

The Littleton band performed before the ribbon was cut in the courtyard, while parents and students were given the opportunity to talk to EPIC staff members and ask questions. During the ribbon cutting ceremony, the Principal of EPIC campus and several staff members committed to EPIC gave speeches addressing their hopes for EPIC in the future. After the ceremony, tours were given of the campus. 

For those of you unfamiliar with EPIC Campus, Vice Principal Benton describes this learning center. 

“EPIC is an innovative learning experience for students to try to explore pathways for possible career opportunities in seven different areas. Aerospace and engineering, business and entrepreneurship, computer science, construction trades, future educator, health sciences, and natural resources,” Vice Principal Kathy Benton states. 

The opening of EPIC is extremely important for the futures of Littleton Public School students as this campus provides high-schoolers with countless educational and career-related opportunities. 

“EPIC is important to me because it is offering all students the opportunity to learn in different ways and in areas where they have passion”, Benton states. 

“There are so many opportunities here for kids that didn’t have in this district before. This campus offers easier ways for kids to earn college credit. We offer many industry partnerships so when students graduate they have somewhere to go, an objective to meet, money on the table…” states English Language and Development teacher Erin Wise.

Along with students, educators are also excited for the future of this campus. 

“We hope to expand EPIC to meet the needs of students and what they want in terms of getting ready for life after high school and meeting the needs of industry and what jobs are out there that need workers and putting those two together,” states Benton.

“I hope that EPIC has a strong reputation and kids want to come here, and that we have strong partnerships with our communities so they want kids to join their staff”, states Wise. 

EPIC Campus has not only given students the opportunity to focus on a career pathway to prepare themselves for the future, but it has allowed LPS students and teachers from different schools to unify in and outside the classroom. As students, parents, and teachers gathered at EPIC Campus Saturday morning, there was a shared sense of hope and enthusiasm for the future of the learning center.