LHS March Madness winner

Over this past month, we at the Lions Roar Now have been running an LHS March Madness tournament on our Instagram to determine the most iconic thing at LHS. We started with eight competitors in four categories. These categories were physical building, miscellaneous, clubs and activities, and traditions. 

Competitors per category:

  • Physical building: doors that open outwards, hectic parking lots, closed bathrooms, bomb shelter, fluctuating temperatures, eating area in the library, murals, and flexible furniture.
  • Miscellaneous: Lion roaring final bell, senior map, teacher family members, calendar by cafeteria, basketball in mural, Dottie Lou, wall of fame, hallway math
  • Clubs and activities: Marching band, dress-up days, theater performances, bonfire, Spring Fling, Unified BBall, morning clubs, and __ and __ clubs
  • Traditions: Purple+gold, teacher Halloween costumes, senior overalls, lobby jazz band concerts, class t-shirts, tug-o-war, spirit stick, south gym dances

We sent out polls on our Instagram story for each match-up where students voted in each round. Here are the results:

Starting brackets
Sweet 16
Elite eight
Final four
Final bracket

Final votes were counted, and senior overalls won the final matchup against theater performances by 113 to 82 votes. We asked students why they think senior overalls are the most iconic thing at LHS, and here were some responses:

“It’s usually the first thing incoming freshman see and the last thing the seniors get.”

“Usually everybody does them, at other schools it isn’t as unanimous.”

Thank you for your participation, tune in again next year for another month of LHS March Madness!