Mrs. Fornstrom leaves legacy of growth at Littleton High School

Mrs. Fornstrom, a beloved teacher at Littleton High School, is retiring after many years of dedicated service. She has made a lasting impact on the students and faculty alike, and will be greatly missed.

When asked about her favorite memory at Littleton, Mrs. Fornstrom reflected on the senior assembly. She shared,

“It’s so rewarding to see how students have grown throughout their years at LHS. They come in as little, goofy 8th or 9th graders and leave as mature and mostly responsible young adults.” This sentiment speaks to Mrs. Fornstrom’s commitment to education and her students’ growth.

As for what she will miss and what she won’t miss, Mrs. Fornstrom expressed her fondness for the students and staff,

“I’m going to miss the students and ALL of the people that I work with at LHS. I learn something new EVERY day from my students, and I’m really going to miss that.”

Though on the other hand, she won’t miss the early morning meetings, lockdown drills, and tarantulas in the greenhouse.

Mrs. Fornstrom has exciting plans for retirement. She and her husband, who is also retiring from Thomas Jefferson High School, plan to travel around the US in their converted van and kayak in various locations. They also hope to volunteer for organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, Red Cross, and kayaking organizations that support military veterans. Their love for adventure and helping others will continue to make a difference in the world.

When asked about her legacy at Littleton, Mrs. Fornstrom humbly stated,

“I can’t really say that, but hopefully, I’ve given kids the opportunity to think critically, be curious about the world they’re living in, and to care about the Earth.” Her dedication to inspiring critical thinking and curiosity will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on her students.

As Mrs. Fornstrom’s retirement approaches, the Littleton High School community thanks her for her years of service and wishes her all the best in her future adventures.