Senior column: My parting message to LHS

May 19th will be the culmination of five years spent at LHS. As much as I complain about being stuck inside these walls since the fall of 2019, I know that the second I leave, I am going to miss this school and everyone inside it so much.

I thought I was going to end up at Heritage High School like everyone else in my neighborhood, but I am forever grateful for picking Littleton. It hasn’t always been perfect, but it has always felt like home.

If I could go back to freshman year, there are a lot of things I would do differently. I would certainly be less of an awkward, pessimistic person, and I would push myself to join more clubs and make more friends. 

Freshman year Liam, back in an age before COVID

I’ve made a lot of friends in high school, but I’ve also lost just as many. Some friends grew distant from me, while other friendships ended with a fight. If I could go back, I would handle each of those relationships differently. At the time, I didn’t realize I was the problem in a lot of them. But now I know.

When I look back at all the mistakes I made in high school and the opportunities I missed, of course I cringe. My hero’s journey presentation in 9th grade was about myself. My newspaper recruitment video from sophomore year haunts me. I quit the diving team halfway through the season. 

A frame from my engaging, exhilarating Newspaper recruitment video during sophomore year.

But despite all the setbacks, I still came back to this building, day after day, year after year. Five years at Littleton High School has made me the person that I am today. And I am proud of that person when I compare it to the person who began their journey at LHS so many years ago.

There are so many people at this school that I will miss forever, I can’t list them all. Ms. Adams-Berger served as my early high school coordinator as well as a pillar of support for the rest of my time in high school, and has helped me more than I can describe. 

FBLA Nationals in Chicago over the summer, one of the highlights of my high school experience.

Olivia Chekal has been one of my best friends since the first day of Kindergarten, and I am so grateful to have been able to grow up with her. She will be at University of Northern Colorado next year, and I will miss her so much.

I originally met Olivia Fendrich and Anna Staiert through Newspaper, but they have become some of my closest friends. They make every day at school so much more fun. They will be on the West coast, which is honestly way too far away. 

Ms. Chase and the rest of the newspaper crew makes my long odd days more tolerable, and I am so sad to leave Lions Roar Now behind. I joined Newspaper on a whim for my sophomore year, and I’m so glad I did. Beyond just writing articles, the jokes and stories I have heard in that class will last for a lifetime.

And of course, my parents have been the biggest influence in my life, and have supported me all the way through school. I owe so much to them.

As I wrap up high school, the last thing I want to advise any high schooler reading this, is to make the most of your time here. I still don’t feel like it’s the last week of high school, and there’s still so much I want to do. Have fun before you have to be an adult.

Thank you Littleton High School and Lions Roar Now, and goodbye.