The roof is leaking — should we be concerned?

It has been raining for two straight days, which seldom happens in Colorado. Obviously, issues arise from this, issues that we aren’t readily prepared to handle, like our leaky roof. Our roof is flat, making it prone to leakage if too much water builds up.

The library has been the main affected area of the leaking due to its high windows

Leaking has been occurring mostly on the West side of the building, in the library, language arts hallway, and main office. Librarian Barb Donahue explains why this is happening.

“We had a wind storm last week and all of the branches that were on the roof blocked the drainage areas, and the tree blossoms on top of the roof blocked the drains too, so everything was backed up. There were 3 inches of water on the top of the roof. It comes through the casings of the windows,” said Donahue.

Leakage has caused some roof tiles to sag down as well as bubbles in paint on the walls, which are issues that can be fixed. Luckily, most classrooms have not been affected.

So, should we as students be worried about the leaking? Athletic director Chris Enzminger answers,

Flooding in the library this morning

“There’s no safety issue at this point and structurally, the building will be fine, there’s just water seeping in from all the rain,”

Beyond temporary solutions, how will this issue be fixed?

“We always have construction over the summer and parts of the building are getting a new roof so that will help some of it. There’s already a plan to address some of this, but some of it can’t get fixed until there are no students in the building,” said Enzminger.

Luckily we aren’t alone; the rest of the district has been experiencing similar issues. However, thanks to the hard work of our custodial staff, these issues have been contained and will resolve once the rain stops.